Stranian Force







そして、新紀380年。超高速航法「クォータムジャンプ」に繋がる研究が完成を迎えた。遂にストラニア文明は、バウワーへの"道 しるべ"を見つけたのだ。


From mankind's birth, they had watched a distant star that mysteriously glimmered in the night sky. At times, it was nearly invisible, a pitch black. At others, it gleamed brilliantly. Tales of the enigmatic star, passed on from generation to generation like prophecies from mythical times, continue to be told in modern times.

And the star was named "Vower."

Stranian civilization progressed rapidly over the ages, soon reaching levels of scientific achievements that allowed them to understand the true nature of Vower. They found that the star was actually an artificial planet, some three light-years away, created by a far more sophisticated and advanced race of artificial beings. Completely mechanical, the planet was testimony that the alien culture was vastly superior to that of Strania.

The discovery instantly caused panic throughout Strania. Did mankind exist on Vower? If so, what would become of their home planet?

However, for the Stranian people, and likely for those of Vower as well, the distance between the two planets was immense.

Time passed and several hundred years later, because of the knowledge of Vower's existence, Stranian civilization advancements surged, even more quickly than before.

The dawn of the space exploration era

Mankind departed Strania in order to explore the space around it, successfully landed on nearby moons and planets. In the year 380 PD (Post Discovery), scientists completed research that would become the foundation of developing "quantum jump" technology, which would allow high-speed, long-distance space travel. Stranians had finally taken a step toward reaching Vower.

Just five years later, however, Strania would confirm the presence of a mass of colossal magnitude coming closer and closer to their home planet.

Vower and Strania had overcome the abyss of time and made contact.
新紀392年 4月 23日  作戦名「Operation "Stella Shooter"」

しかしその為には、対峙する巨大粒子兵器・コード名「GUNROCK」の機能を停止させなければ、我々ストラニア軍の誇る大艦隊 を以てしても敗北は濃厚である。
そこで、特殊鋼機部隊「ステラ マキナ」を中心とした以下の電撃作戦が立案された。

1:ストラニア本星より、第3宇宙師団の行軍を開始する。同時に特殊鋼機部隊「ステラ マキナ」も出撃する。

2:成層圏で待ち構えるバウワー軍敵勢力との戦闘が予測される。「ステラ マキナ」はこれを突破し、オービタルリングの内部に侵入。

3:「GUNROCK」が艦隊迎撃の準備に入るのを確認し、「ステラ マキナ」は「GUNROCK」に接近。「GUNROCK」エネルギーシステムを破壊し、その機能を停止させる。


ストラニア軍最高の戦士である諸君の双肩に、この作戦の成功、そしてストラニアの未来が掛かっている。心して任務を遂行された し。
April 23, 392 PD
Operation "Stella Shooter"

By positioning a base, codenamed "NS-032," on the frontline, the Vower army controlled the space over planet Strania. In order for Stranians to retake the area, destroying NS-032 was of utmost importance. However, to accomplish that feat, they would first have to eliminate "Gunrock," Vower's enormous particle weapon that was aimed directly at their planet. Even with the fleet of warships that the Stranians commanded, they had to destroy the weapon in order to give themselves a chance to win the war.

A covert operation was developed, centering on the elite special task force - the Stella Machina.

Decree of Operation Stella Shooter ?

Operation details:
1) The 3rd Space Division departs from Strania. At the same time, the Stella Machina also departs to make a preemptive strike on the Vower army.

2) Assuming Vower forces occupying the stratosphere engage in battle, the Stella Machina is to breakthrough the front lines and infiltrate the inner Orbital Ring.

3) After confirming that Gunrock has begun preparations to attack the fleet, the Stella Machina is to approach the weapon and destroy its energy system, thereby eliminating its ability to function.

4) All remaining forces are to join together and make a unified assault on NS-032.

It is clear that annihilating Gunrock is vital to the success of the operation. To you, selected members of special task force Sterna Machina, the fate of the mission, and of all Strania, rides on your shoulders. May you fight bravely and fulfill your duty!

Vower Force



はるか昔から受け継がれた情報は、形を変え続け物語となり、「真書(Sin-Syo)」という名前で今に残る。そして「創造主= 神」として崇め、「真書」の教義を全ての理(ことわり)とした、一つの宗教国家が形成される。

創造主から残された様々な機械「神器(Sinki)」を用い、ストラニアから発せられる変化を受け取る。それを「総主(Dai- sousyu)」と呼ばれる高位者達が、残された情報を元に紐解く。太古から受け継がれるそれらの「儀式」に変化が起こったの は、数百年前の出来事である。


教義に沿えば、最大の敵となるであろうその存在について、バウワー内でも意見が分かれる。その結果、一枚岩であったバウワーにお いて、初めての「戦争」と言える内紛が起こった。


数年前に観測された、ストラニアからの信号。それは今まで見たことがないものであった。そこから導きだされた「神の言葉」、それ は---



We are the chosen ones-

the servants of the gods.

We gladly will offer our lives

to fulfill our destiny

and protect the sacred planet.

We are the people of Vower.




A seemingly impassible distance separates Vower and the holy planet of Strania. Its surface is the epitome of technology – completely artificial – the embodiment of advances unmatched by mankind. Yet shrouded beneath the impressive façade is a barren and impoverished land.


The creator and purpose of the mechanical surface is unknown even to the planet’s inhabitants. Over the course of an unknown number of millennium, that knowledge eventually transformed into legend, remaining in the form of scripture – the Shinsho. According to these gospels, the Vower are to revere the creator as god and the teachings are to be the foundation of their lives.


Humanity on Vower accepted this fate and evolved as a deeply religious state.


Living by the word of the Shinso scriptures, the people of Vower believed it was their responsibility to watch over Strania. The creator endowed them with a variety of tools, called Shinki, which they used to dutifully record their observations. The data was passed on to the Daisoushu, the civilization’s elite, who were entrusted to decipher the signals.


Until just a few hundred years ago, the observation and ceremonies continued without interruption. Then, an incident that would forever change the fabric of Vower life occurred – the sudden discovery of humanity on the planet they had watched for eternity.


The Vower were led to believe from the teachings of the Shinsho that the newly discovered humans posed a tremendous threat to their civilization. However, they were divided on the course of action they should take. For generations, the Vower had been a unified society, but the development of factions resulted in their first armed conflict – a brutal civil war.


Ironically, it was that experience that would ready the Vower for their military operation to Strania. Among the ashes of the civil war, the sects successfully applied technology left from the creator to manufacture machinery that would allow intergalactic travel. Moreover, the once peaceful civilization now possessed complex military organization capable of high-level martial tactics. Through the bloodshed of their own brethren, the Vower had inadvertently prepared to take on their new foe in Strania.




A few years ago, a new signal, unlike any observed in the duration of their watch over Strania, was detected from the holy planet. The Vower deciphered it as a message from their creator-


Destroy the power that dares to defy god


And it was thus that Vower forces departed their homeland, embarking on the long journey to the sacred planet.